General Guideline Principles for Imaging Studies
of Neck Injury for workers compensation patients
The New York State workers compensation board has developed these guidelines to help physicians, podiatrists, and other healthcare professionals provide appropriate treatment for Imaging Studies of Neck Injury.
These Workers Compensation Board guidelines are intended to assist healthcare professionals in making decisions regarding the appropriate level of care for their patients with ankle and foot disorders.
The guidelines are not a substitute for clinical judgement or professional experience. The ultimate decision regarding care must be made by the patient in consultation with his or her healthcare provider.
Imaging Studies of Neck Injury X-Ray Imaging
Imaging Studies of Neck Injury X-Ray Imaging is recommended examining the cervical spine’s bone anatomy with an X-ray as clinically needed may contain slanting and clear views for the foramen and dens, respectively.
- Imaging Studies of Neck Injury X-Ray Imaging
Imaging Studies of Neck Injury X-Ray Imaging is recommended to assess spinal instability and the dens’ location about the anterior aspect of the C1 ring vertebra, the action of bending a, and antimonides as clinical initially
Note: To help the radiologist and x-ray technician, the request should include the mechanism of damage and the precise imaging indications.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is recommended in select patients In cases of suspected nerve root compression, myelopathy to assess the spinal cord and/or distinguish or rule out masses, infections like an epidural blister or disc space infections, involvement of the bone marrow by metastatic disease, and/or cases of conjecture disc herniation or being cord compress after r severe neck injury.
If there is a possibility of infection or metastatic illness with cord compression, an MRI should be done as a way. In patients with specific implanted devices, MRI is not advised.
The traditional, high-field MRI often offers the highest resolution. When a patient cannot fit inside a highly specialized scanner or feels too cramped even after being sedated, a lower field scan with a lower magnetic strength may be recommended.
Frequency: Usually just once, however poor resolution on the initial scan can necessitate a second MRI using a unique a different method. In cases when the patient needs another diagnostic MRI, the same process might be repeated. a surgeon, radiology specialist, or other skilled, experienced a doctor’s report stating that the related study was not of sufficient quality to make a diagnosis. Any queries in this respect must be brought up with the MRI. radiologists and/or the Centre.
Note: A metallic item or ferrous substance that include in the tissues may be a contraindication to doing an MRI. The magnetic field of an MRI frequently causes a metallic item to become loose, which can result in serious injury or even death.
- MRI With and Without Contrast
MRI With and Without Contrast are recommended concerns about cancer or infection may necessitate the use of gadolinium improvement for the MRI examination in individuals who have already had cervical surgery. This demand ought to Consider any underlying medical issues that would affect a disclaimer for an improved MRI.
- Specialized MRI Scans with 3-dimensional reconstruction
Specialized MRI Scans with 3-dimensional reconstruction is recommended in certain patients
Indications: Useful for obtaining precise information on a patient’s traits, location, and spatial relationship before surgery. connections between bone and soft tissue structures.
- Dynamic-kinetic MRI of the spine
Dynamic-kinetic MRI of the spine are not recommended
- Computed Axial Tomography (CT)
Computed Axial Tomography (CT) is recommended in select patients.
Indications: To further assess bony masses and fracture that were not visible on radiographic examination, computed axial tomography (CT) is performed since it offers great bone visualization. It may occasionally be used in conjunction with MRI imaging to more clearly define the development of bone osteophytes in the neural foramen.
CT is often used to better define a cervical fracture in patients with -vee plain films who have a suspected fracture of the cervical spine. Congenital malformations at the base of the skull and the C1 Levels also benefit greatly from CT screening. Pericardiac scanning is ideal for the C6-7 or C7-T1 levels.
An MRI should not be used when ferrous/metallic elements are present in the tissues; instead, a CT scan should be requested. It should be kept in mind that CT exams offer a significant radiation dosage and come with concomitant radiation-related dangers.
In individuals who cannot tolerate an MRI, a CT scan may be used to help identify the existence of cervical disc herniation and/or stenosis. These conditions can be more clearly defined by CT myelography.
- Myelography of Imaging Studies
In myelography, the radiopaque material is injected into the spinal subarachnoid space, and the anatomy is subsequently defined using x-rays or a CT scan.
- Myelography of Imaging Studies
Myelography of Imaging Studies is recommended in select patients
Indications: To accurately learn about the qualities, position, and spatial interactions between soft tissue and bony structures, it may be utilized as a pre-surgical method of indicating the nature of the illness. This testing may be recommended for a small subset of patients whose clinical benefits outweigh their risks and for whom an MRI (or another advanced alternative testing) is either unavailable, non-diagnostic, not clinically indicated, or clinically contraindicated, depending on the particulars of their case.
Note: This more intrusive procedure may have unpleasant side effects consisting of infection, allergy, is d in reactions.
- Myelography of Imaging Studies
- CT Myelography of Myelography of Imaging Studies
More specific information regarding the interactions between neural components and the surrounding anatomy is available from CT myelograms.
- CT Myelography of Myelography of Imaging Studies
CT Myelography of Myelography of Imaging Studies is recommended pre-surgical testing in a restricted group of patients with several prior procedures or tumorous situations. Only rare patient-specific circumstances, such as implanted metal that prevents MRI, ambiguous MRI disc herniation findings, spinal stenosis, and/or post-surgical conditions requiring myelography in patients who cannot tolerate an MRI, warrant the use of myelography, including CT myelography.
- CT Myelography of Myelography of Imaging Studies
CT Myelography of Myelography of Imaging Studies is not recommended. Myelography was used as the initial diagnostic test to determine whether the cervical root was compromised (together with CT and MRI myelography)
Indications: When MRI (or any preferable alternative testing) is unavailable, non-diagnostic, not clinically necessary, or clinically contraindicated, this testing may be suggested in certain individuals for whom the clinical advantages outweigh the hazards.
Note: This more intrusive procedure might result in discomfort, infections, or allergic reactions.
- CT Myelography of Myelography of Imaging Studies
- Bone Scan (Radioisotope Bone Scanning
Stress inflammatory lesions, osteomyelitis, and fracture may all be identified using 99M Technetium diphosphonate uptake, which represents osteoblastic activity.
- Bone Scan (Radioisotope Bone Scanning)
Bone Scan (Radioisotope Bone Scanning) is recommended to check for infection, occult fracture, or neoplasia.
Indication: The diagnosis of neoplasia, suspected metastases, infections (such as osteomyelitis), inflammatory arthropathies, and concealed fractures may all be made with the use of bone scanning, which is an effective diagnostic tool for some conditions that only affect a small percentage of patients.
- Bone Scan (Radioisotope Bone Scanning)
- Other Radioisotope Scanning
Other Radioisotope Scanning is recommended to pinpoint abscess, infection, and malignancy in a few selected individuals.
- Dynamic (Digital) Fluoroscopy
Adaptive [Digital] Using a video fluoroscopy machine to take pictures while the subject conducts cervical flexion and extension and records the anatomical data, cervical spine fluoroscopy assesses the mobility of intervertebral segments. spine movement in a computer.
- Dynamic (Digital) Fluoroscopy
Dynamic (Digital) Fluoroscopy is recommended in approved trauma centers. Dynamic fluoroscopy is utilized to assess the cervical spine. If conducted, complete cervical spine visualization (C1-T1) is necessary.
- Dynamic (Digital) Fluoroscopy
What our office can do if you have a Neck Injury
We have the experience to help you with their workers compensation injuries. We understand what you are going through and will meet your medical needs and follow the guidelines set by the New York State Workers Compensation Board.
We understand the importance of your workers compensation cases. Let us help you navigate through the maze of dealing with the workers compensation insurance company and your employer.
We understand that this is a stressful time for you and your family. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us so we will do everything we can to make it as easy on you as possible.

Dr. Nakul Karkare
I am fellowship trained in joint replacement surgery, metabolic bone disorders, sports medicine and trauma. I specialize in total hip and knee replacements, and I have personally written most of the content on this page.
You can see my full CV at my profile page.