Center for Occupational Employment Information (COEI)
The Center for Occupational Employment Information (COEI), a branch of the Office of Research and Information, focuses on addressing the occupational and career information requirements of New Jersey’s youth and adults, along with the professionals and policymakers who support them. COEI consists of two units: Training Evaluation and Worker Experience.
The Training Evaluation Unit (TEU), in collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Education’s Office of Career Readiness, oversees the approval and monitoring of for-profit and not-for-profit Private Career Schools that provide various types of skills and occupational training to New Jersey residents. Approved providers must submit renewal applications every two years for ongoing approval, and TEU staff offers technical assistance to both approved and potential providers. For additional details, please contact the Training Evaluation Unit via email at
TEU is also responsible for managing the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). In New Jersey, all providers receiving State or Federal job training funds must be listed on the ETPL. The New Jersey Training Explorer, an interactive and mobile-responsive platform, provides information on all ETPL providers and their programs. The website facilitates consumers in comparing training providers based on employment outcomes and starting salaries after graduation.
The Worker Experience Unit (WEU) maintains and updates NJ Career Central, overseeing all content within it. Additionally, WEU acts as the primary point of contact for user inquiries.
The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)
The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL), mandated by both state and federal law, plays a crucial role in ensuring that the highest quality training services are accessible to the residents of New Jersey. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) stipulate that individuals seeking training services to enhance their job readiness or career pathway can access career training through the ETPL, which comprises state-approved training providers and programs. The ETPL is vital not only to the workforce system but also to all New Jersey residents seeking informed choices about available training opportunities. All programs listed on the ETPL are accessible through the New Jersey Training Explorer.
New Jersey State law (C:34:1A‐86) mandates the collection and display of specific provider and program performance data on the Consumer Report Card (CRC). The CRC, restructured in July 2021 as the Quality Assurance Scorecard, measures equity in training and employment outcomes, focusing on labor market demand, education and training, employment and wage outcomes, and financial impact. This scorecard enhances consumer protection and encourages a culture of continuous program quality and improvement for eligible training providers.
The CRC enables students to search for information and program outcomes for training providers. Search results offer details on various programs, allowing users to compare them based on factors such as location, training duration, costs, special services, employment outcomes, and student comments.